Why are bathrooms so prone to problems? It seems like most homeowners have had to deal with mold or damage in the bathroom at one time or another. The reason is that you have a small, enclosed space which has running water in several locations, as well as steam coming from the shower. This adds up to a perfect mix for water related problems. What is the solution? A main component in keeping your bathroom dry is the bathroom fan. If your fan doesn’t move enough of that steamy air out of the bathroom quickly, it will condense inside and cause water to collect where it can provide a place for mold to grow. You’ve probably stepped into a bathroom just to get startled by the sound of a rattling fan. If this is the case for you, it’s time to invest in a new fan. You also want to make sure that the fan itself as well as the duct-work leading outside doesn’t have a buildup of dust in it. This will make the fan less efficient and also pose a fire hazard.