You won’t find wallpaper in most modern homes, but some have decided to install it because they like the retro look that it can give a home. While this is fine (as long as the patterns and colors aren’t too crazy) there is a possibility of trouble lurking behind the wallpaper.
What could that be? Well, if it looks like the wallpaper was put up recently, the homeowner might have decided that it would be easier to cover up signs of water damage, cracks, and holes in the walls with some wallpaper than it would be to have the problems fixed properly. This is why it is good to feel the walls, looking for cold and damp areas or unevenness.
If you are thinking of installing wallpaper in your home, you should make sure that you know what you are doing before you start. It can be tricky to get it to look good, and if you mess up, there might not be any saving the panel you are working with, causing you to use more material than needed.