One of the more difficult things to deal with as a homeowner is a persistent woodpecker. These birds can be very fascinating to watch in action, but not so much if they have picked your home as their target.
Woodpeckers are amazing at seeing and hearing the signs of wood-boring insects, so in a way, having a woodpecker start attacking your home is a sign that you might have an issue with insects in your walls. Of course, the damage that the woodpecker can do to your home is no laughing matter, so what are your options?
Since woodpeckers are protected by law, setting out traps or hurting them in any other way is out of the question, so you will be limited to methods that will discourage woodpeckers from attacking your home.
If you are having problems with wood-boring insects, getting an exterminator to remove them might be all that is needed. If there still is a problem, getting the area they attack covered with some sturdy netting might encourage them to find a better place to search for food.