How good is the water you drink? Some prefer not to drink water at all, but in reality, it is the best thing to use for hydration, and it can be very beneficial for your health to drink plenty of water daily. But how good is the water in your home? You might be able to find out from a report if you are connected to the municipal water system, but if you get your water from a well, you might need to get a lab report on your own.
While well water is usually considered to be better quality, you might need to have frequent tests to ensure that it stays that way.
In a municipal water system, on the other hand, there are many contaminants and chemicals are introduced to remove bacteria and other harmful contaminants from the water, but at the same time, these can be harmful to your health if the concentration gets too high.
Some homeowners choose to have their own filtration system to improve the water quality in their homes.