There are many ill side effects that you can experience if you aren’t breathing clean air. It can make it difficult for you to focus, it can make it hard to sleep, you could even experience shortness of breath without exertion. Since we spend a lot more time indoors than we used to in the past, making sure that the air in your home is clean is very important. There are things that should be avoided as much as possible in your home to maintain a high quality of your air. Smoking indoors will automatically make the air quality much worse, the same goes for keeping pets indoors. As a pet owner, you should make sure that you do your best to keep the dander level down, both for your own health, as well as, for any visitors you might have. Vacuuming with a vacuum cleaner that has a HEPA filter and cleaning up hair on your furniture will help somewhat with the effect your pets have on the quality of your air.