Water entering your home can prove to be a major issue. There are a number of problems that can crop up because of it. Mold is one of the most obvious issues which can lead both to health issues as well as damage to your home. To protect yourself and your home from harm there are many different aspects involved. One important thing is to have a proper vapor barrier. Vapor barriers can consist of plastic sheets or special paint, so you have different options depending on where you are installing them. For example, painting a wall can be a very simple solution, especially if you already were planning on painting it anyway. Regardless of what method you are using, achieving complete coverage is essential if the vapor barrier is going to be effective. A rip in a plastic sheet, or a scratch in the paint will lead to the same result – water intrusion. While it might not be a large amount of water getting in, it will still be enough to get mold started in your home.