Did you know that you could have a silent killer in your home without even being aware of it? This term is often used when referring to Carbon Monoxide, a gas that is formed as a by-product when fuel is burned with insufficient oxygen. There are many reasons why this gas could make it into your home. A car idling in a garage, a fire-place, a space heater running on fuel, just to mention a few. So why is this gas called a killer? Well, in a very short amount of time you can experience symptoms such as dizziness, nausea, headache and fatigue, in some cases so serious that you could pass out very quickly. Being exposed to the gas for more than a few minutes will most likely lead to death.
If this scares you, your best defense is to get carbon monoxide detectors installed anywhere there could be a source of the gas. These alarms aren’t that expensive, especially considering that they could save your life.
You should also make sure to have your chimneys regularly inspected to allow any harmful gasses escape your home easily.