What is the matter, do you have ants in your pants?
As a kid, were you ever asked that question? It was commonly asked of children that couldn’t sit still, but for those kids that actually experienced sitting down on an anthill by mistake, it is no joke. Ants aren’t dangerous, and most types of ants won’t do damage to your home, but they are definitely a nuisance.
Ants are attracted to sweet things, so if you have a problem with ants, you want to make sure that you seal up containers that have sweet things in them well, such as sugar and honey. You also want to avoid leaving recycling, such as soda cans and juice packs in an open container that they can sniff out. Instead, you should keep that in a tightly closed container.
Usually, the first sign of an infection is a single scout that will come and check your place out. If there is anything of interest, he will bring more friends, so it’s important to take care of the issue as early as possible. There are some excellent ant traps that will effectively take out the ants, as long as it is placed in the right location.