Looking Beneath The Surface

Wouldn’t it be nice to live in a world where everyone was honest and upfront with each other? Unfortunately, this is far from the case in today’s world. While we would like to believe that a seller will let you know about any issues there are with your potential...

When Water Becomes Your Enemy

Imagine that you filled up a bucket of water and poured it out inside of your home. How bad do you think it would be? Your average bucket holds about five gallons, so now imagine that you dumped 3 buckets of water inside of your home every minute. Does that thought...

A Building Material That Kills

When it comes to building materials that are dangerous, there is probably not one that has a worse reputation than asbestos. Asbestos was used extensively for a period of time in different types of building material, such as siding, roofing, insulation, and more. It...

Keeping Out The Vapors

Water entering your home can prove to be a major issue. There are a number of problems that can crop up because of it. Mold is one of the most obvious issues which can lead both to health issues as well as damage to your home. To protect yourself and your home from...

An Old Worker In A New Place

Right now more people than ever before are working from home. Besides all the other things that are sold out in stores, cameras and microphones that are needed for online video conferencing, have also been selling out. if you are setting up a home office as a...

Selling A Home During A Health Crisis

If there is one side effect that the Coronavirus outbreak has brought with it, that is serious damage to the economy. With people staying in, afraid to get close to others, sales in every area have plummeted, and the same is true for homes. If you are trying to sell...

Keeping Your Kitchen Smoke Free

Whenever you are cooking at home, large amounts of steam and smoke is released into the air. This means that you might end up having to deal with smoke detectors going off as well as having your ceiling and walls exposed to the smoke. That is going to be the case if...

Keeping Your Basement Dry

When there is heavy rainfall, many homeowners end up having to deal with water intrusion in their basement. This is especially a problem when the home is located in a low-lying area since water from the surroundings can collect as well. The most common solution to the...

Are Your Ducts Working Against You?

Forced air heating is definitely one of the most commonly used types of heating in the US. While the system is fairly simple, there is still a part of it that is very vulnerable to damage which can greatly diminish the return on the energy spent heating the air up,...

Keep This Killer Out Of Your Home

Did you know that you could have a silent killer in your home without even being aware of it? This term is often used when referring to Carbon Monoxide, a gas that is formed as a by-product when fuel is burned with insufficient oxygen. There are many reasons why this...