Metal Could Work
Have you ever spent time in a shed when it is raining very hard outside? The noise might be deafening, making you think that you would hate to have a metal roof on your home. But this is not going to be the case. Metal roofing is not much louder than any other roofing...
Keep it Out of the Drain
After you fry up a batch of bacon, are you left with a large amount of grease in your frying pan? What do you do with that afterward? Some will just pour it down the drain. It might be tempting, considering that it seems to flow so smoothly, but that is one of the...
Get A Handle On It!
We all end up flushing our toilet a few times each day. You might not even be aware you are doing it, but if you pay attention, you might be surprised at the number of times you end up pulling that lever. Considering how often it is used, it is pretty amazing that...
Turning Your Home Into Swiss Cheese
One of the more difficult things to deal with as a homeowner is a persistent woodpecker. These birds can be very fascinating to watch in action, but not so much if they have picked your home as their target. Woodpeckers are amazing at seeing and hearing the signs of...
When Your Water Is Too Hard
Water has some pretty amazing properties. One of them is that it will erode and dissolve minerals and pick them up in its stream. This is why you sometimes will be dealing with hard water as a homeowner. Usually, this comes from water that has run through a layer of...
What Is Wrong With My Power?
How reliant are you on electricity in your everyday life? Some might think that it isn’t that much, but if you take a minute and think about it, you might realize how dependant we have become on having a stable power supply. We use it for our hot water, our food, our...
Who Is Banging On Your Pipes?
If you hear loud noises in your pipes, it is usually not a good thing. A common problem that makes a lot of noise is called a water hammer. This is the name for the effect caused by water having nowhere to go after you close the faucet. It will bang against the walls...
Straighten Out That Walkway
Cement walkways and driveways might seem like they are very sturdy, but over time, they can shift, crack, and wear down. If your driveway no longer is even, you might think that you will need to spend a lot of money, have the whole thing ripped up, and be...
What’s Behind Your Wallpaper?
You won’t find wallpaper in most modern homes, but some have decided to install it because they like the retro look that it can give a home. While this is fine (as long as the patterns and colors aren’t too crazy) there is a possibility of trouble lurking behind the...
Time Is Money
Selling a home can be a very time-consuming business. There are many things that you have to go through as a homeowner, and depending on how things go, the deal might not even go through. So you can see why some feel like the home inspection is just another hurdle...