When it comes to building materials that are dangerous, there is probably not one that has a worse reputation than asbestos. Asbestos was used extensively for a period of time in different types of building material, such as siding, roofing, insulation, and more. It has excellent properties for it since it is fire resistant and very sturdy, but it was later discovered that it causes cancer. When broken apart, the dust from the fibers is very fine and they can end up in your lungs causing damage.
If you suspect that there is asbestos in any part of your home, you shouldn’t panic or do something rash. Asbestos that is undisturbed is not harmful. The danger comes when you disturb it. If you live in an older home, and you are uncertain whether or not there is asbestos in any building material that was used, you should first have it tested by a professional. Trying to deal with it on your own could put the lives of you and your family at risk.